Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Gift Bearer

Today started off like every other day by our group eating a lovely breakfast. Then our busy day began. We first headed to the local market where we explored different shops. Then we walked around the city viewing sites such this theater below. During the transition of touring the city and heading up the hill to visit Congress...we lost Lizzie. No worries she was found and it's not Johnae's fault for not noticing her roommate wasn't with us anymore because the shoe stores were way to distracting for her to notice.

Then we made our way to Congress. We took a tour of blue building and got to meet the President of the Congressmen. He is in the primary stages of running for President of Costa Rica so it was neat to ask him his views and what is his primary goals would be if he were to win. On Monday when we had lecture day I was given the task of presenting the gifts to our guest speakers after they finished filling our brains with knowledge. Once again I was chosen so Dardar gave me the name of Gift Bearer.

Next we headed off for lunch and to our surprise we had hamburgers and french fries! We also ate very yummy ice-cream. The restaurant was connected to a souvenir shop so we had a tour on how they made souvenirs after we ate lunch. A fun fact about this place is that after they cut the wood for the first time they put the wood in storage for FOUR years until they can finish the second and third cutting stages.

Last but not least we got the visit the Bubble gum factory! This was soooo neat! Below I inserted a video to show you the packing process. Yes..... I was the Gift Bearer. The Costa Rican's were so sweet, they gave us a whole BUBY bag of bubble gum as a souvenir! 

We headed back to the hotel to freshen up then we went back downstairs to listen to our last guest speaker of the day. To no surprise I was the gift bearer again. I do not mind this job whatsoever because I love to see the smile on their faces when we give them such a small token of our appreciation. BUT this one was a little bit toooooo friendly and full of himself! An interesting fact about Mr. Guest Speaker was that he was the dentist on The Swan....I think this is enough said! Setting aside his flaws, he presented great information on Medical Tourism in Costa Rica. We ended the night on top of a hill over looking the city drinking wine and enjoying a nice Costa Rican meal. What a view!

Once we got back to the hotel we had a nice surprise from the famous SERGIO! It was nice to finally meet the Costa Rican everyone talked about from last year!

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