Sunday, May 12, 2013

Rain Rain is Here to Stay!

Today was such an adventurous day! I got to experience the ECOTOURISM of Costa Rica! First my day started off with such a yummy breakfast! I finally got to experience beans, rice, and fruit for breakfast :)  Not only was that good, but the coffee was amazing! Such a great way to start off the day. 
First we went White Water Rafting down the Sarapiqui river. On our way there it started to rain. Here is a fun fact of Costa Rica: Last week started the rainy season in so we should be experiencing rain almost everyday. The weather worked out perfect because it rained while we white water rafted and the beautiful sun came out for our Rainforest hike. 
The adrenaline was sure running on the third rapids when Greg, Alex, and I feel out of our raft! I carefully followed instructions of what to do when going overboard and planked like a board! No worries MOM I still have all of my teeth and no broken bones! Then the very handsome Costa Ricans cut up pineapple for a snack and showed us a neat little jumping cliff. YES I KNOW hard to believe I jumped! Trust me I was so nervous but all I could think about was what could be worse than falling out of a raft into big rocks....surely not jumping off this 10 foot cliff.

Next we experienced the delicious chocolate tour! To get to the plantation, we hiked through the Rainforest and crossed over this very interested (sketchy, shaky, I swear it was my last walk) bridge! We enjoyed the exotic animals and insects such as toucans, monkeys, and "man eating" ants. Words and pictures cannot describe how yummy this chocolate was! Learning how the development of what to do with coca beans from the 1500's to 1800's  was neat! I learned the process of making chocolate and finish product was delicious!

To end our day we listened to our tour guide, Willie, give us a presentation on Sustainable Ecotourism in Costa Rica. I learned about the different kinds of certifications and its benefits. After this busy day we ate pizza and recapped on all the fun we had. Cannot wait to hear more about Costa Rica in our all day lectures tomorrow!

To end this blog I would like to wish a very HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to my beautiful, best, most selfless mother in the world! I love you and hope you had an amazing day!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Laura how beautiful!!!
    I do want to visit Costa Rica, but not on a rescue mission:) Please stay in the raft and no more jumping. We love and miss you very much!
